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Mind Power Medical Science
Taiji Five Element Self Recovery Program

Mind Power Medical Science
Taiji Five Element Self Recovery Program

A case of recovery from Skin Disease, Backache, Lower Back and Wrist Pain

Mak Wing Shan (From Hong Kong)    Occupation: Manageress

I am Mak Wing Shan, a “sub-healthy” patient who had frequent attacks of strange illnesses. Twenty years ago, when I was in my youth, all of a sudden I lost all of my hair; five years ago, one fine day I woke up finding myself paralysed. Afterwards I had so much pain in my back, lower back and wrist that I couldn’t stay in one posture (including in my sleep) for longer than 15 minutes. I was not able to hold even a sheet of paper steadily then. Following that I was attacked by other strange illnesses such as developing open sores with pus on my cheeks, with my skin peeling off afterwards; my shortsightedness sudden deteriorated from 50 degrees to 350 degrees, and coming down with a ‘flu almost every week. I changed from a very independent person who used to be able to repair my own furniture to someone who was so weak physically that I felt I was no different from a useless person. I started to wonder what I was living for.

Fortunately I am a positive person, and I don’t mind spending time and money to get back my health and dignity. I certainly did not want to go back to the situation in which I could not take a bath without assistance! So I consulted all kinds of doctors, chiropractic doctors, Chinese herbal doctors year after year, and took vitamin tablets day after day. Fortunately I recovered my ability in looking after myself. But luck was not with me for too long. One year ago, my fingers and palms suddenly started to have open sores and bleeding. Besides having unbearable itchiness, my fingers became so stiff that I couldn’t even bend them or hold them straight. To someone whose work requires working on the computer for over 10 hours daily, it was really a great torture! This time, unfortunately (actually it was a blessing in disguise, as I discovered later), none of the Chinese doctors, chiropractic doctors and acupuncture doctors that I consulted worked. At that time, I happened to have come across an acquaintance at work who told me that her sister who lost her eyesight and was bedridden was able to move about on her own and had recovered part of her eyesight after practising the Taiji Five Elements Self Recovery Program (TFESRP). After hearing that, I was heartened: So there is hope for my strange illness! So I joined the TFESRP in February 2006, and intensified my practice and then joined an Intensive course with “Pigu” (qigong fasting) later.

Today, three months after practicing TFESRP, I can definitely tell you that the sores in my fingers, and my helplessness then are my “luck” in disguise! If not for that, I wouldn’t have a chance to get to know about this TFESRP practice which can cure all. After practising this set of TFESRP, besides curing the sores in my fingers, in the process of my “qi” striking through my areas of health problems, even the strange illness of open sores on the face which had beset me for the last five years was also cured! Now my face is smoother than what it was like when I was a teenager. Another gain is that I no longer need to rely on weekly visits to the chiropractic doctor as I used to in the past, because there was great improvement in my back pain as my blood and qi circulation has improved. As a result, I am able to save a lot of time and money. More importantly, now I deeply believe that my own mind power is able to wake up my immunity system which has been lying dormant all these years to achieve self-healing effects.

Another important thing is that I have realised from the course taught by the WISH President Ms Christina Chiu that my illnesses are in fact signals sent by my body, telling me that it can no longer withstand the load and pressure put on it by my own personal behaviour and character. It is fortunate that I now have learned to decipher these signals and take heed of them, and to pay attention to my own emotions and health, otherwise, the consequence could have been much more serious.

I consider myself lucky that I didn’t have to learn this set of TFESRP due to very serious illness; and that I was not like some other learners who, even after the surfacing of health problems, were still very mindful of the course fees, or some who tried to find excuses for not practising the TFESRP which is useful to the rest of their lives. Now I am no longer apprehensive about being stricken by strange illnesses, as I now understand what caused them, and whether I will get cured or not depends on myself. I hope everybody would become healthy and happy like me through learning about their own mental and physical being!
9 June 2006

(Special thanks to WISH volunteer Mdm Wanda Lau for her kind translation of the original text)